About the scheme

Scheme purpose

The purpose of the scheme is to enable eligible artists (or their successors) to receive a royalty payment each time there is a qualifying resale of their original visual artwork

The Minister for arts, culture and heritage has appointed Copyright Licensing New Zealand to administer the Artist Resale Royalty scheme. The scheme will be operated by a subsidiary named Resale Royalties Aotearoa Toi Huarau.

How does the scheme operate?

Each time a resale meets the Criteria, the seller (and their agent) must pay a resale royalty (5% of the resale value) to the Collection Agency.

  • Certain parties involved in the qualifying resale are obliged to provide information to the Collection Agency about the resale (such as the name of the artwork, the resale value, and the name of the original artist). This helps the Collection Agency verify information about the resale and about artist eligibility.
  • The Collection Agency will then use its best endeavours to distribute the royalty to the eligible artists (or their successors) in accordance with the Act and Regulations.

When does the scheme start?

The scheme has been operational since December 1st 2024

How much is the resale royalty payment?

Eligible artists can receive a royalty payment of 5% of the resale value (minus administration costs) each time there is a qualifying resale of their original visual artwork. The collection and distribution of the payment is managed by Resale Royalties Aotearoa, a not-for-profit, who will retain 1% of the resale value to fund its collection, distribution, and other functions

When is a royalty payable?

Not every “resale” qualifies for a resale royalty. Check out the Criteria section.

Who will operate the scheme?

The Minister for arts, culture, and heritage has appointed Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) as the collection agency for the purposes of the Artist Resale Royalty Scheme. The scheme will be operated by a new not-for-profit subsidiary named Resale Royalties Aotearoa Toi Huarau.

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