Reuben Paterson. Photograph by Glenn Frei.
Reuben Paterson. Photograph by Glenn Frei.
(a) a person who carries on business as an auctioneer (within the meaning of section 5(3) of the Auctioneers Act 2013):
(b) an art dealer:
(c) an art consultant:
(d) the owner or operator of an art gallery that deals in visual artworks:
(e) any other person who is in the business of dealing in visual artworks.
Resale Royalties Aotearoa Toi Huarau (RRA) is the government appointed collection agency for the purposes of the ARR Scheme.
Use the checklists below to establish artist eligibilty:
Checklist 3.1 IF the artist is alive at the time the contract for resale is entered into: is the artist:
If you ticked either of these boxes, then the artist is an eligible artist.
Checklist 3.2 IF the artist is deceased at the time the contract for resale is entered into: at the time of their death was the artist:
If you ticked either of the above, then the deceased artist is an eligible artist. Although the eligible artist is deceased, the resale right is held by their successor(s) (meaning the successor(s) are entitled to payment of the royalty, provided they meet the same criteria for eligibility (above).
Read more in our Criteria section.
For the purposes of the Act, the ARR will expire 50 years from the end of the calendar year that an otherwise eligble artist has died.
A Publicly funded Art Gallery, Library, Archive or Museum
A qualifying resale where at least 1 person involved in the resale is an Art Market Professional or a GLAM.
In relation to an original visual artwork, is a transfer of ownership but does not include the first transfer of ownership, irrespective of whether the first transfer of ownership was made for money or other consideration.
Artist Resale Royalty of 5% of Resale Price payable to an eligible artist each time there is a qualifying resale of an original visual artwork.
The Resale Right for Visual Artists Act 2023 and its regulations.
A Qualifying resale where both parties involved in the resale agree in writing that the resale is a Qualifying resale, what the resale royalty will be and who is responsible for providing the relevant information to RRA.
The following steps must be true to meet the “Qualifying resale” criteria:
Read more in our Criteria section.
Checklist 2.1: If any of the following boxes are checked, the work is a “visual artwork”:
However, visual artwork does not include:
Checklist 2.2: To be an “original”, the visual artwork must have been:
Read more in our Criteria section
Section 10 of the Act says that “resale value” means: “the value of the consideration given for the visual artwork under the contract for resale”.
This may include:
It does not include:
At the time of publication this includes Australia and the United Kingdom.