Reuben Paterson. Image courtesy of Gow Langsford Gallery.
Reuben Paterson. Image courtesy of Gow Langsford Gallery.
This template can be used to report Artist Resale Royalty ‘Qualifying Resales’ to RRA.
Flyer for Buyers: This flyer may be used to provide additional information about the Artist Resale Royalty to buyers.
Flyer for Sellers: This flyer may be used to provide additional information about the Artist Resale Royalty to sellers / vendors.
Flyer for Artists & Successors: This flyer may be used to provide additional information about the Artist Resale Royalty to artists & successors.
Which party is required to pay the royalty and when?
Understand your obligations as an AMP and how the scheme is administered.
AMP obligations under the Resale Right for Visual Artists Act 2023
Guide and checklists for AMPs explaining how to report a resale