Julian Dashper.
Julian Dashper.
GLAM includes publicly funded Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums.
GLAM does not include Universities or other publicly funded tertiary institutions.
The Act defines “Art Market Professionals” in section 11 as:
(a) a person who carries on business as an auctioneer (within the meaning of section 5(3) of the Auctioneers Act 2013):
(b) an art dealer:
(c) an art consultant:
(d) the owner or operator of an art gallery that deals in visual artworks:
(e) any other person who is in the business of dealing in visual artworks.
Which party is required to pay the royalty? (section 17, the Act)
The following persons are jointly and severally liable to pay the 5% resale royalty to RRA:
Public Art Gallery X (PAGX) needs to sell one of the artworks in their collection to raise some much-needed
funds. The following situations outline the different obligations to report and pay the Royalty to RRA:
Understand your obligations as a GLAM member and how the scheme is administered.
Guide and checklists for GLAM members explaining how to report a resale
GLAM obligations under the Resale Right for Visual Artists Act 2023